Terms of Use
We all deserve respect, kindness, and dignity. Online and in real life.

Online Courses, webinars, and events - Full Terms of Service
Our programs are for educational purposes only. Nothing we offer can take the place of the care of a licensed physician. We can offer suggestions based upon personal experience and study of literature, but we are not able to provide diagnosis or treatment advice. If you disagree with any of the information or suggestions, you are encouraged to just take what you like and leave the rest.
Obviously, we cannot guarantee any particular results for any individual. Your results will depend on many factors, among them, the symptoms and difficulties you now have, the effort you put into healing, and your openness to change. We sincerely hope the teaching, encouragement, and tools we offer will help you in your own work in these areas. Remember: YOU are in charge of your healing in these courses and in your real life and nobody else can do it for you.
Group kindness:
We aspire to help everyone who engages with this website, the membership community, or our courses feel safe, supported, and understood. To help this happen, we require everyone who enters into communication (e-mails, Zoom calls, comments on social media) to be kind, polite, and to refrain from comments/ behaviors that are divisive, threatening, or demeaning to others.
Remember the golden rule – treat others as you would like to be treated. Here are a few pointers:
Please don’t discuss politics here. This is a diverse and inclusive community in every sense.
It’s OK to mention one’s religion (or lack of it), but we ask that there be no proselytizing or pushing on others.
We encourage you to talk about outside approaches to health and healing and to share honestly and openly what has worked for you and what hasn't. We do ask that you not “push” them on others, sell outside products or services, or criticize others’ approaches.
Be kind. We are all healing and some of us are really struggling. Go the extra distance to support and encourage.
Abuse policy:
Abuse includes name-calling, making threats (physical, social, or professional); intentionally disclosing private information or attempting to harm the reputation of others; harassment (calls or e-mails to someone who has explicitly said not to contact them); or discussing matters that are (at our discretion) deemed to be too private, too vulgar, too hostile or too divisive for our team or student community.
For the sake of the group members and the team here, we reserve the right to remove individuals from courses, calls, online groups, and our mailing list at our discretion. We will make reasonable efforts to successfully resolve any problems with our clients, but please know that abusive behavior will always result in removal.
Please remember: I am trained as a naturopathic doctor, but I am not acting as a doctor in this instance because I am not in person with you, can not do any physical exam, and have no legal authority to practice medicine in many of the places where website visitors and community members reside. I share my experience, knowledge, and research because it may be useful to you in working to heal your life and your symptoms. There is no guarantee that you’ll get the results I or any other student has. Your results will depend very much on you and the change and self-care you are willing to engage in. No information that I publish can take the place of professional evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment. Please always use your own good judgment about what you decide to follow or try and never change a treatment plan prescribed by your physcian without consulting with them directly.
Webinars and memberships are non-refundable. The membership program has a two-week free trial in which you can make an informed decision about whether or not it is right for you. You can also cancel at any time for any reason. Your membership will expire when your next renewal is supposed to occur (montly or annually).
If a course is not what you expected it to be or you are unsatisfied in any way, you can contact us within 72 hours of the course start for a refund.